Dot to Dot Behind the Person

Money can't buy happiness (or can it?) - with Lou & Fi

Episode Summary

This week Lou and I talk about the links between money and happiness. Lou and I both share what makes us happy and whether that has anything to do with money and we chat through what some of the psychological research shows us.

Episode Notes

For example, we discuss how psychology professor Sonja Lyubomirsky who wrote The How of Happiness, says that about 50% of our baseline happiness level is down to genetics, but income only accounts for 10%.  The remaining 40% is about all about the “intentional activities” we undertake, such as giving back to others. We talk about what constitutes and ‘intentional activity’ including prosocial behaviour. We even veer into a conversation about whether altruism is really about being truly good or making ourselves feel better. 

So, can money buy happiness or at least make us happy? Well, yes and no. We definitely need enough to cover our basic needs, but finding our purpose, giving back and connecting with others has a hugely powerful impact also. 


There's more about finding your purpose (which doesn’t require a penny of money but finding it will help you live a much more fulfilled life) in my book ‘Defining You - How to Build Your Unique Personal Profile and Unlock Your True Potential’. This can be found via the link below and in all good bookstores:

If you are curious about who you are, your brain and the influences in your life then please dip into my more recent book ‘Mirror Thinking – How Role Models Make Us Human.’


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