Dot to Dot Behind the Person

The fight for gender equality - with Giulia Iannucci

Episode Summary

Bringing not just awareness but solutions to the fight for gender equality this week I speak to Giulia Iannucci. Guilia is feisty, funny and fearless with a passion for life which is infectious. She brings a breadth and depth to her opinions collected through time spent working and living in Spain Belgium, Australia, Singapore, the UK and Luxembourg.

Episode Notes

Founder of KnowThyBrand, Giulia is a social entrepreneur dedicated to helping women in business to build sustainable ventures and career paths. She is mother of three boys who she is bringing up to respect women and bring their attention to what women can achieve “It’s as important for boys to see women can do anything as it is to see men doing anything.” She role-models this approach in all she does and says, which is underpinned by both her drive for social justice and her ever inquisitive approach to understanding the world and her place in it. 

Giulia’s social enterprise KnowThyBrand is committed to enabling women to build sustainable businesses and career paths through strategic branding and effective gender inclusion solutions. Their values, the guiding principles that shape everything we do as a social enterprise are:

Equality – We believe in social equality and support women’s equality and empowerment as part of the solution.

Equity – We recognise that each person has different circumstances and that different resources and opportunities are needed to reach the same outcome.

Sisterhood – We believe in the collective power of women working together and consistently inspiring each other to achieve their highest potential.


For more from Giulia go to:


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If you are curious about who you are, your brain and the influences in your life then please dip into my more recent book Mirror Thinking – How Role Models Make Us Human.

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